SGX RegCo issues Trade With Caution alert on shares of ISOTeam Ltd.
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Singapore Exchange Regulation ("SGX RegCo") urges investors and potential investors to trade with caution when dealing in shares of ISOTeam Ltd ("ISOTeam").
The share price of ISOTeam surged to $0.149 on 24 September 2020 from $0.139 on 23 September 2020. Its share price has remained steady around $0.147 since then.
A small group of accounts was responsible for over 71% of the traded volume in ISOTeam shares between 24 September and 24 November 2020, SGX RegCo's review showed. The same group of accounts was responsible for more than 83% of the buy trades during the surge on 24 September 2020.
The individuals behind these accounts appear to be connected to each other.
In addition, these accounts appeared to have traded among themselves ("cross trades") during the period reviewed. Their cross trades accounted for 55.05% of on-market traded volume. Between 24 September and 24 November, these accounts engaged in trading among themselves on 41 of the total 44 trading days.
The share price movement of ISOTeam occurred amid the release of its results for the 12 months ended 30 June 2020 on 30 October 2020. The company reported a $21.49 million full-year loss compared to a profit of $6.30 million previously.
SGX RegCo is further reviewing the trades in ISOTeam shares and will take the necessary actions including referring the case to statutory authorities where warranted.
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